Sunday, February 18, 2007

More week 3

Look how big he's getting compared to the sheep...


Unknown said...

Welcome Back! Luca is getting so big. You are going to need a cow or horse for him to sleep on soon.
I hope eveyone is feeling better and that you are getting the rest and love that you need.
Happy Thoughts,

Rachel said...

Jim and Toni,
He is absolutely beautiful!!! These are the first pics I've seen of little Luca as my mom was totally confused by the whole blog thing. Tee hee!
I'm such a rotten cousin for not calling but I figured you probably had your hands full for a while.
Anyway, congratulations to you both! I'm so, so very happy for you.
Much love,
PS. He is a Crofts baby if I ever saw one! :-)